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Re: useradd, groupadd, usermod....

>I'm about to start messing with useradd, usermod, userdel and their
>group siblings and just wanted to see what's already out there.
>I have a debian system using pam_ldap and nss_ldap.  I'd like to keep
>using adduser so that I don't have to worry about breaking debian
>specific stuff.  In the future, I'd also like to intercept only the
>operations of useradd that are required (e.g. actual account creation, but
>not necessarily home dir creation) so that I don't break any dist or
>OS specific stuff OR have to rewrite it.
>I know adduser can use adduser.local, but that's after account and
>group creation through useradd and groupadd wich directly modify the
>/etc files, so that won't do.
>So I think I'm gonna start with a script to replace useradd and
>possibly a seperate adduser.local script.  But before I started such a
>thing, I was wondering if anyone has been doing any work on such a

There are already several such replacement tools.  Include direct
replacements of adduser and friends.  See the Third Party section of my
LDAP presentation for a litany of these -