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Re: Upgrading to 2.1.12

Actually... I might have some entries like this.
I'll have to take a look.  Thanks! I'll scan this
tonight and get what I find back to the list.

Philip Thiem

--On Thursday, January 16, 2003 9:20 AM +1100 Dave Horsfall <daveh@ci.com.au> wrote:

On Wed, 15 Jan 2003, Philip Thiem wrote:

I have been running 2.0.23 for sometime and decided to try upgrading to
2.1.12.  I'm running an ldbm backend with db4 4.0.14.  After the upgrade
I had problems with the directory listing, so I tryied rebuilding the
indices with slapindex.  This allowed me to see a portion of my
directory, but much of it was still gone.  slapcat would only display
some of the entries, but many were said to have no data.  I downgraded
back to 2.0.23, rebuilt the indices and everything was fine.  Does
anyone know how I need to "update" my database properly in order for it
work with openlpad 2.1.12?

Dunno if this is related, but I had problems using some 3rd-party tools (such as ldapsync) on a 2.0.25 system. There were many cases where the DNs were not normalised e.g.

dn: attr=value1,....
attr: value2

i.e. the LHS of the DN was not present as an RDN.  I wrote a simple Perl
program to scan the output of slapcat, looking for these mismatches.

The 2.0.x software accepts this; the RFC-compliant ones do not.  Another
problem is objectclasses consisting of more than one (derived) structural

Dave Horsfall  DTM  VK2KFU  daveh@ci.com.au  Ph: +61 2 9906-7866  Fx:
9906-1556 Corinthian Engineering, Level 1, 401 Pacific Hwy, Artarmon, NSW
2064, Australia

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