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RE: ldap_bind in php

I ask now since a week that I have to deal with 600 mails a day, so please
get me off this, or I start sending some bad mails 

-----Original Message-----
From: James Bourne [mailto:jbourne@mtroyal.ab.ca]
Sent: woensdag 20 november 2002 19:51
To: marc.bigler@day.com
Cc: openldap-software@OpenLDAP.org
Subject: Re: ldap_bind in php

On Wed, 20 Nov 2002 marc.bigler@day.com wrote:

> Hello,
> I know this also involves PHP but I post it here because I think maybe
> a problem with my access statement in slapd.conf. What I would like to do
> is to authenticate users via LDAP, the problem that I currently encounter
> is if the user doesn't input a password ldap_bind returns true which means
> that it somehow succeeded... This is my PHP code:
> $ldap_bind_result = ldap_bind($ds, "cn=marc,ou=users,dc=test,dc=tld", "");
> if ($ldap_bind_result) {
>         echo "ldap_bind succeeded";
> } else {
>      echo "ldap_bind failed";
> }

IIRC, this will be an anonymous bind, and will succeed until you try
to fetch enything from ldap...

James Bourne
> In this case i get succeeded, which I shouldn't, the same happens if I
> a fake name which doesn't even exist as "cn". My access statement looks
> like this:
> access to *
>      by users write
> Where I only want to let authenticated users do something.
> Am I missing something ?
> Thanks for the help
> Regards
> Marc

James Bourne, Supervisor Data Centre Operations
Mount Royal College, Calgary, AB, CA

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