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Re: rlookup

man, 2002-10-28 kl. 21:33 skrev Freerk J. Bosscha:

> I would like to do the following:
> some entries eg. homepostaladdres, are 
> allowed to see inside the company but not 
> outside.

> I made the following rule:

> access to attr=homePostalAddress,homePhone
>         by self write
>         by domain="nhl.nl" read
> 	by * none

> What have I done wrong.

> by domain="nhl.nl" read <--- This won't work. Do you see why not?

What happens, exactly? Or doesn't happen? Does the rest work? Does
anything at all work? What does work, if anything?

Somewhere in your acl config, anonymous users will have to authenticate,
e.g: "by anonymous auth"

What do the rest of your acls look like?




Tony Earnshaw

Could have been Henrik Ibsen's, Ole Bull's,
Henrik Wergelands's, Camilla Collet's and more's
last words, but weren't: «Fanden helder, helder
det at have sadset, end det at ikke have sadset
i det hele taget.»

e-post:		tonni@billy.demon.nl
www:		http://www.billy.demon.nl