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Re: slurpd setup problem

Already tried that, here is what I get...


database        ldbm
replica host=
       bindmethod=simple credentials=secert

suffix          "dc=oem,dc=doe,dc=gov"
rootdn          "cn=Manager,dc=oem,dc=doe,dc=gov"

I get...

nid1:/home/hendrend # !!
/usr/lib/openldap/slapd -d 128
Global ACL: access to *
       by self write (=wrscx)
       by users write (=wrscx)
       by anonymous write (=wrscx)

/etc/openldap/slapd.conf: line 61: unknown directive "replogfile=/var/run/slurpupdatelog" in ldbm database definition (ignored)
slapd starting

Frank Swasey wrote:

You have slightly messed up the syntax....  Try:

replica host=
       bindmethod=simple credentials=secert

replogfile /var/run/slurpupdatelog

replogfile is not an argument of replica, it is it's own directive.


Today at 8:27am, Douglas Phillipson wrote:

I can't seem to get slurpd replicating and I'm getting some conflicting
messages. The only way I can get slapd started with no error messages
concerning the "replogfile" directive is to put the replogfile directive
in the "replica host" block. Otherwise I get an "unknown directive" error:
