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Re: Tree structure

Yonah Russ writes:
>   I'm wondering if there is any built-in/recommended method for
> cross-referencing entries in the tree... for example, I would like to
> have in the organization tree a ou (ie. campus name) with all the
> members of that ou AND I would also like to have another ou (ie.
> Department name) with the same entries but organized according to some
> other shared attribute.

You could use aliases.  First create e.g.

   cn=Yonah Russ, ou=Campus, dc=jct, dc=ac, dc=il

as a normal entry.  Then create:

   dn: cn=Yonah Russ, ou=Department Name, dc=jct, dc=ac, dc=il
   objectclass: alias
   aliasedObjectName: cn=Yonah Russ, ou=Campus, dc=jct, dc=ac, dc=il

and use the option for derefAliases=derefAlways in the LDAP search
operations.  E.g. with ldapsearch you specify '-a always'.
