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Re: ldap_search returning protocol error?

At 09:49 AM 2002-09-19, Hank Beatty - StarBand - MRT wrote:
>I'm working on a program that utilizes the ldap_search function and it
>appears that it is returning a protocol error.

ldap_search does not return an LDAP result code, it
returns returns either 0 (success) or -1 (error).

Calling ldap_err2string() on the return value of ldap_search()
makes no sense.  ldap_err2string() expects a result code,
not -1.  It likely returns "Unknown error" in this case.

>All of the functions leading up to the search work fine.
>Any help would be great.
>options_str =
>key_str = username
>static LDAPURLDesc *ludp;
>int dbserver_get(
>                                const char *key_str, 
>                                const char *options_str,
>                                char **str_return, 
>                                int  *len_return
>                                ){
>        LDAP *connection = NULL;
>        LDAPMessage *res = NULL;
>        LDAPMessage *mptr = NULL;
>        BerElement *ber = NULL;
>        int count;
>        int attrcount = 0;
>        int status = -1;
>        int ret_val;
>        char *pstr;
>        char **bv_val = NULL;
>        char *filter = NULL;
>        char **ldap_returns = NULL;
>        char critical;
>        char *binddn=NULL;
>        char *bindpw=NULL;
>        char *cLdapReturnVal;
>        extern options_t opt;
>        *len_return = 0;
>        if (ldap_is_ldap_url(options_str) == 0) {
>                return(-1);
>        }
>        if (ldap_url_parse(options_str, &ludp) != 0) {
>                return(-1);
>        }
>        /* Open LDAP connection */
>        if ((connection = ldap_init(ludp->lud_host, ludp->lud_port)) ==
>NULL) {
>                return(-1);
>        }
>        if (ldap_bind_s(connection, binddn, bindpw, LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE) 
>                != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
>                goto leave;
>        }
>        /* Build a filter string */
>        if ((filter = (char *)malloc(strlen(key_str) +
>strlen(ludp->lud_filter))) == NULL) {
>                PERDITION_DEBUG_ERRNO("filter malloc");
>                status = -3;
>                goto leave;
>        }
>        sprintf(filter, ludp->lud_filter, key_str);
>        /* Perform the search */
>        ret_val = ldap_search(connection, ludp->lud_dn, ludp->lud_scope,
>filter, ludp->lud_attrs, 0);
>        if (ret_val != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
>                cLdapReturnVal = ldap_err2string(ret_val);
>                openlog("myLittleProgram", LOG_PID, LOG_LOCAL0);
>                syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Performed the search and it died
>%d", ret_val);
>                syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Function ldap_search() failed:
>%s\n", cLdapReturnVal);
>                closelog();
>                goto leave;
>        }
>        free(filter);
>        filter = NULL;
>        etc.