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Re: Tools for tracing TLS/SSL

fre, 2002-08-30 kl. 23:43 skrev Dinesh Salegame:

> Thanks. I will try ethereal/ssldump. It is just that I have tried everything
> (debug options, config etc..) to get the TLS/SSL to work with openldap. For
> some reason the TLS/SSL handshake between the client and server fails. The
> Client writes the key exchange and cipher spec but the server is not able to
> read it. I want to see if these tools will help to check if the server
> receives the client message or not.

I think maybe it's the other way around - that the client will not
accept the server cert, because it can't read it for itself (cert path
or cert itself is not readable), or you haven't given the right path to
it in /etc/ldap.conf. That's what happened to me
at first and what happens to many. Ethereal won't help you with this.




Tony Earnshaw

The usefulness of RTFM is vastly overrated.

e-post:		tonni@billy.demon.nl
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