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Re: userPassword?


   Sure, have a look at this:

#let '$entry' be the result of a ldapsearch (Note you must bind as an appropiate user so that you can request such
#we get the userPassword
$pass = $entry->get_value('userPassword');

       #split the password
       $pass =~/^{crypt}(.*)/;
       $trim = $1;
       #let '$passwd' be the password typed by the user, cypher it
       $Result = crypt($passwd, $trim);
       $comparePasswd = "{crypt}".$Result;
       #real comparison
       if("$comparePasswd" eq "$pass"){
           return 1;

Sorry about my poor english

Good luck

Mehdi Jabal Ameli wrote:


Can I check user password in Perl script?


Mehdi Jabalameli
jabalameli@ce.sharif.edu <mailto:jabalameli@ce.sharif.edu>

  Raul Caballero Ortega

       Tfno: 91-6248787                    Grupo de Sistemas Unix
       Fax:  91-6249430                    Sistemas Centrales
       E-mail: rcortega@di.uc3m.es         Servicio de Informática

               Universidad Carlos III de Madrid