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LDAP/PHP: Trying to add account -> text=attribute loginShell not allowed


I am trying to add a User-Account to my LDAP-Tree with PHP. Everytime I get an 
error in /var/log/message. Some attributes are not allowed (e.g. loginShell, 
gidNumber, uidNumber).

Why ? Whats wrong ?

// Daten vorbereiten
  $info["cn"]="$vorname $name";
  $info["gecos"]="LDAP User";
  $info["description"]="Via Intranet generiertes Benutzerkonto";

  // hinzufügen der Daten zum Verzeichnis
  $r=ldap_add($ds, "uid=$personr,ou=$standort,ou=People,dc=pgam,dc=com", 
