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one login/ password shared over multiple orig units

I am creating a directory with a number of organizational units for a
centralized login.

I want to have both password attributes linked to each other.

How can I share the password attribute between other organization units ?

If I can't, tell me ;-)  

    + ou=mailaccount
    + ou=unixaccount

        dn: dc=mycoll, dc=edu
        objectClass: top
        objectClass: organization
        o: My College
        description: Top level of Directory

        dn: ou=maillaccount, dc=mycoll, dc=edu
        objectClass: top
        objectClass: organizationalUnit
        ou: Accounts
        description: People with mailaccounts at My College.

        dn: ou=maillaccount, dc=mycoll, dc=edu
        objectClass: top
        objectClass: organizationalUnit
        ou: Accounts
        description: People with mailaccounts at My College.

        dn: uid=tbank2,ou=mailaccount,dc=mycoll, dc=edu
        objectClass: posixAccount
        objectClass: CourierDomainAlias
        objectClass: CourierMailAccount
        cn: Ted Bank
        uid: tbank2
        mail: tbank2@mycoll.edu
        mailalias: ted.bank@mycoll.edu
        mailalias: sysadmin@mycoll.edu
        maildrop: tbank2@imap.mycoll.edu
        mailhost: imap.mycoll.edu
        userPassword:: e1NIQX15czY1Qml1TWozbnlvbjc3anR5YWRxZW5zcXM9
        homeDirectory: /var/imap/tbank2

        dn: uid=tbank2,ou=unixaccount,dc=mycoll, dc=edu
        objectClass: posixAccount
        cn: Ted Bank
        uid: tbank2
        homeDirectory: /home/student/tbank2
        userPassword:: e1NIQX15czY1Qml1TWozbnlvbjc3anR5YWRxZW5zcXM9