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AW: Proofed slapd.conf + *.ldif example ??

:: here is one i setup last night, which works for me:

What a pity, but it failed with following result (which was also my
initial problem, not been able to ldapadd):


shell> ldapadd -f basic.ldif -x -D "cn=admin,o=linuxpowered,c=us" -w

adding new entry "o=linuxpowered,c=us"
ldap_add: Operations error

ldif_record() = 1


a dump of the debug information (calling ldapadd -d '-1' ..) is at the
appendix of the email.

:: hope this helps. ldap isn't easy, something that is badly 
:: needed is more examples. it took several hours of trial and 


:: error and research to get the above working to the point 
:: that i have a basic understanding. too much info on LDAP is 
:: generalized, on what kind of information, more info is 
:: needed on how to accomplish specific tasks using LDAP. I 
:: hope to write a page on doing this in the comming weeks.

A good bullet-proof documentation would be a good help for take the big
learning-curve when getting openldap configured/setup.

:: nate

Another problem are the very meager error/warning messages of the

Anyhow, thank you nate.

shell> ldapadd -d '-1' -f basic.ldif -x -D
"cn=admin,o=linuxpowered,c=us" -w secret

ldap_connect_to_host: localhost
ldap_new_socket: 4
ldap_prepare_socket: 4
ldap_connect_to_host: Trying
ldap_connect_timeout: fd: 4 tm: -1 async: 0
ldap_ndelay_on: 4
ldap_is_sock_ready: 4
ldap_ndelay_off: 4
ldap_open_defconn: successful
ber_flush: 48 bytes to sd 4
  0000:  30 2e 02 01 01 60 29 02  01 03 04 1c 63 6e 3d 61
  0010:  64 6d 69 6e 2c 6f 3d 6c  69 6e 75 78 70 6f 77 65
  0020:  72 65 64 2c 63 3d 75 73  80 06 73 65 63 72 65 74
ldap_write: want=48, written=48
  0000:  30 2e 02 01 01 60 29 02  01 03 04 1c 63 6e 3d 61
  0010:  64 6d 69 6e 2c 6f 3d 6c  69 6e 75 78 70 6f 77 65
  0020:  72 65 64 2c 63 3d 75 73  80 06 73 65 63 72 65 74
ldap_result msgid 1
ldap_chkResponseList for msgid=1, all=1
ldap_chkResponseList returns NULL
wait4msg (infinite timeout), msgid 1
wait4msg continue, msgid 1, all 1
** Connections:
* host: localhost  port: 389  (default)
  refcnt: 2  status: Connected
  last used: Sat Mar  2 11:19:32 2002

** Outstanding Requests:
 * msgid 1,  origid 1, status InProgress
   outstanding referrals 0, parent count 0
** Response Queue:
ldap_chkResponseList for msgid=1, all=1
ldap_chkResponseList returns NULL
read1msg: msgid 1, all 1
ldap_read: want=1, got=1
  0000:  30                                                 0
ldap_read: want=1, got=1
  0000:  0c                                                 .
ldap_read: want=12, got=12
  0000:  02 01 01 61 07 0a 01 00  04 00 04 00               ...a........
ber_get_next: tag 0x30 len 12 contents:
ber_dump: buf=0x100b6940 ptr=0x100b6940 end=0x100b694c len=12
  0000:  02 01 01 61 07 0a 01 00  04 00 04 00               ...a........
ldap_read: message type bind msgid 1, original id 1
ber_scanf fmt ({iaa) ber:
ber_dump: buf=0x100b6940 ptr=0x100b6943 end=0x100b694c len=9
  0000:  61 07 0a 01 00 04 00 04  00                        a........
read1msg:  0 new referrals
read1msg:  mark request completed, id = 1
request 1 done
res_errno: 0, res_error: <>, res_matched: <>
ldap_free_request (origid 1, msgid 1)
ldap_free_connection: refcnt 1
ber_scanf fmt ({iaa) ber:
ber_dump: buf=0x100b6940 ptr=0x100b6943 end=0x100b694c len=9
  0000:  61 07 0a 01 00 04 00 04  00                        a........
ber_scanf fmt (}) ber:
ber_dump: buf=0x100b6940 ptr=0x100b694c end=0x100b694c len=0

adding new entry "o=linuxpowered,c=us"
ber_flush: 82 bytes to sd 4
  0000:  30 50 02 01 02 68 4b 04  13 6f 3d 6c 69 6e 75 78
  0010:  70 6f 77 65 72 65 64 2c  63 3d 75 73 30 34 30 1d
  0020:  04 0b 6f 62 6a 65 63 74  43 6c 61 73 73 31 0e 04
  0030:  0c 6f 72 67 61 6e 69 7a  61 74 69 6f 6e 30 13 04
  0040:  01 6f 31 0e 04 0c 6c 69  6e 75 78 70 6f 77 65 72
  0050:  65 64                                              ed
ldap_write: want=82, written=82
  0000:  30 50 02 01 02 68 4b 04  13 6f 3d 6c 69 6e 75 78
  0010:  70 6f 77 65 72 65 64 2c  63 3d 75 73 30 34 30 1d
  0020:  04 0b 6f 62 6a 65 63 74  43 6c 61 73 73 31 0e 04
  0030:  0c 6f 72 67 61 6e 69 7a  61 74 69 6f 6e 30 13 04
  0040:  01 6f 31 0e 04 0c 6c 69  6e 75 78 70 6f 77 65 72
  0050:  65 64                                              ed
ldap_result msgid 2
ldap_chkResponseList for msgid=2, all=1
ldap_chkResponseList returns NULL
wait4msg (infinite timeout), msgid 2
wait4msg continue, msgid 2, all 1
** Connections:
* host: localhost  port: 389  (default)
  refcnt: 2  status: Connected
  last used: Sat Mar  2 11:19:32 2002

** Outstanding Requests:
 * msgid 2,  origid 2, status InProgress
   outstanding referrals 0, parent count 0
** Response Queue:
ldap_chkResponseList for msgid=2, all=1
ldap_chkResponseList returns NULL
read1msg: msgid 2, all 1
ldap_read: want=1, got=1
  0000:  30                                                 0
ldap_read: want=1, got=1
  0000:  0c                                                 .
ldap_read: want=12, got=12
  0000:  02 01 02 69 07 0a 01 01  04 00 04 00               ...i........
ber_get_next: tag 0x30 len 12 contents:
ber_dump: buf=0x100b68e8 ptr=0x100b68e8 end=0x100b68f4 len=12
  0000:  02 01 02 69 07 0a 01 01  04 00 04 00               ...i........
ldap_read: message type add msgid 2, original id 2
ber_scanf fmt ({iaa) ber:
ber_dump: buf=0x100b68e8 ptr=0x100b68eb end=0x100b68f4 len=9
  0000:  69 07 0a 01 01 04 00 04  00                        i........
read1msg:  0 new referrals
read1msg:  mark request completed, id = 2
request 2 done
res_errno: 0, res_error: <>, res_matched: <>
ldap_free_request (origid 2, msgid 2)
ldap_free_connection: refcnt 1
ber_scanf fmt ({iaa) ber:
ber_dump: buf=0x100b68e8 ptr=0x100b68eb end=0x100b68f4 len=9
  0000:  69 07 0a 01 01 04 00 04  00                        i........
ber_scanf fmt (}) ber:
ber_dump: buf=0x100b68e8 ptr=0x100b68f4 end=0x100b68f4 len=0

ldap_add: Operations error

ldif_record() = 1
ber_flush: 7 bytes to sd 4
  0000:  30 05 02 01 03 42 00                               0....B.
ldap_write: want=7, written=7
  0000:  30 05 02 01 03 42 00                               0....B.
ldap_free_connection: actually freed