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Re: maintaining uniqueness of uid's across subtree's

Hello Sovan,

Friday, July 06, 2001, 10:02:12 PM, you wrote:

Ssic> Hi,
Ssic>         Here we are trying to use openldap for authentication of users  , . The
Ssic> schema has been designed in such a way that we have multiple ou's on individiual
Ssic> ldbm databse( purpose of seperate backend ldbm database is for selective
Ssic> replication) . I have given below  a portion of slapd.conf. Here the ou 's being
Ssic> chennai and bombay.

Ssic> database     ldbm
Ssic> suffix              "ou=chennai,o=xyz"
Ssic> rootdn           "cn=Manager,o=xyz"
Ssic> rootpw           bumbum
Ssic> directory       /mail/chennai

Ssic> database     ldbm
Ssic> suffix              "ou=bombay,o=xyz"
Ssic> rootdn           "cn=Manager,o=xyz"
Ssic> rootpw            bumbum
Ssic> directory        /mail/bombay

Ssic> database      ldbm
Ssic> suffix               "o=xyz"
Ssic> rootdn           "cn=Manager,o=xyz"
Ssic> rootpw            bumbum
Ssic> directory        /mail/ldbm

Ssic> index default pres,eq
Ssic> index uid,objectClass
Ssic> cachesize 1000000
Ssic> dbcachesize 500000000

Ssic> 1. How do we ensure uniqueness  of uid  across all the subtrees( here the
Ssic> subtree being "ou")????

Ssic> 2. Now consider  there is a particular entry (uid=john) which has been populated
Ssic> in the ldbm database of ou=chennai . When we give a ldapsearch for that
Ssic> particular entry with the BASE as "o=xyz" seach is not happening for all the
Ssic> subtrees.  it is only searching through the base ldbm database  So if a
Ssic> particular user  is there  in ou=chennai  then search is successfull only if the
Ssic> base is  ou= chennai , o= xyz.
Ssic> How do we authenticate a user by giving search  BASE as "o=xyz" ( not specifing
Ssic> the subtrees ie "ou") ???

Ssic> Any suggestions as to how we can overcome these problems??

Ssic> Thanks in advance

Ssic> Sovan

Ssic> Satyam Infoway Ltd


         you  need  to setup referral, currently I am testing it right
         now, but my organization has a "space"

         example o= abc com

         once  you  set  a referral , you should be able to browse and
         search continously.

         My  problem  is  to  get  it  to  recognize  a  "space" in the
         organization, do u know I can do this?

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