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Fwd: Re: Using referrals

"Tux" <csyap@starnet.gov.sg> wrote:
>I have created 2 separate databases on 2 different ldap servers (Server 1
>and Server 2, both v1.2.11 that comes with RH7). I've managed to tie the 2
>database using a 3rd LDAP server (Server 3,also v1.2.11) so that a search on
>the 3rd LDAP server returns results from both Server1 and Server2.

I am trying to do something similar.  Part of my main push will be to see
if I can exactly duplicate behaviour of another (unnamed) directory server

Say I have the following namingContexts (this is a subset of what we
actually have):

  namingContexts: ou=People,dc=tamu,dc=edu
  namingContexts: dc=tamu,dc=edu

Right now in my openldap testing, ou=People will contain about 110K
entries.  When I get the current issues solved, I will have another 4
organizational units ranging from 30k to 110k entries as well.

On my current server I can perform a:

  % ldapsearch -h operator -b dc=tamu,dc=edu '(uid=pckizer)' cn sn
  dn: uid=c7ae443c9c0278f719d726aef4482ac4, ou=People, dc=tamu, dc=edu
  cn: Kizer Philip C
  sn: Kizer

Note, the current server's root base is 'dc=tamu,dc=edu', and I did not
tell it to "Automatically chase referrals" (-C).

Now, I attempt to repeat the configuration with Openldap 2.0.7-RELEASE.

If I load the server with this config:

  database        ldbm
  suffix          "ou=People,dc=tamu,dc=edu"
  directory       /data/db/openldap/people
  rootdn          "cn=DSA Manager,dc=tamu,dc=edu"
  rootpw          secret

  database        ldbm
  suffix          "dc=tamu, dc=edu"
  directory       /data/db/openldap/root
  rootdn          "cn=DSA Manager,dc=tamu,dc=edu"
  rootpw          secret

and this LDIF:

  dn: dc=tamu,dc=edu
  objectclass: dcObject
  objectclass: organization
  o: Texas A and M University
  dc: tamu

  dn: cn=Manager,dc=tamu,dc=edu
  objectclass: organizationalRole
  cn: Manager

  dn: ou=People,dc=tamu,dc=edu
  objectclass: top
  objectclass: organizationalUnit
  ou: People

  dn: uid=pckizer,ou=People,dc=tamu,dc=edu
  objectClass: person
  cn: Philip C Kizer
  sn: Kizer

I can get the following:

  % ldapsearch -x -C -LLL '(cn=*)'
  dn: cn=Manager,dc=tamu,dc=edu
  objectClass: organizationalRole
  cn: Manager

  % ldapsearch -x -C -LLL -b ou=People,dc=tamu,dc=edu '(cn=*)'
  dn: uid=pckizer,ou=People,dc=tamu,dc=edu
  objectClass: person
  cn: Philip C Kizer
  sn: Kizer

And if I add the following LDIF:

  dn: ref="***.tamu.edu/ou=People",dc=tamu,dc=edu
  objectclass: referral
  ref: ldap://***.tamu.edu/ou=People,dc=tamu,dc=edu

Then my queries produce the following:

  % ldapsearch -x -LLL '(cn=*)'   
  dn: cn=Manager,dc=tamu,dc=edu
  objectClass: organizationalRole
  cn: Manager

  # refldap://***.tamu.edu/ou=People,dc=tamu,dc=edu

  % ldapsearch -x -LLL -C '(cn=*)'
  dn: cn=Manager,dc=tamu,dc=edu
  objectClass: organizationalRole
  cn: Manager

  dn: uid=pckizer,ou=People,dc=tamu,dc=edu
  objectClass: person
  cn: Philip C Kizer
  sn: Kizer

Is there a way, and does it make sense, to make the server split the
suffixes/bases between the different LDBMs and still be able to continue to
search just 'dc=tamu,dc=edu' like my current server can without requiring 
chasing of referrals to see into ou=People,dc=tamu,dc=edu?


Philip Kizer
USENIX Liaison to Texas A&M University       <usenix@tamu.edu>
Texas A&M CIS Operating Systems Group, Unix <pckizer@tamu.edu>