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Rich, don't feel bad - I've been more or less in the same boat for quite a
while now.  I don't know if any of these links will be exactly what you're
looking for, but perhaps one of them will shed some light on the problem(s)
you're having...

First, the IBM RedBook that I've printed out to give myself a good overview
of LDAP:

Then, the SLAPD and SLURPD Administrators Guide (you've probably already
seen this, but just in case...):

Here's a decent intro to LDAP (also has some more links at the end):

This is a page that seems to have a good number of links (haven't spent a
lot of time checking this one out yet):

And finally, one of the articles that I used when I was just getting

I hope this helps a bit - Good luck!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-openldap-software@OpenLDAP.org
> [mailto:owner-openldap-software@OpenLDAP.org]On Behalf Of Rich West
> Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 1:27 PM
> To: openldap-software@OpenLDAP.org
> Subject: LDAP
> This is going to sound kind of lame, but, alas, I am at my wit's end.
> Before I get flamed beyond belief, let me state that I (1) have attacked
> the HowTo's, (2) combed through the archives, and (3) hunted across the
> web.  All, to no avail.
> I am simply trying to evaluate the possibility of using LDAP as a
> centralized password management database for UNIX (solaris/linux) and
> NT.  I can't even get the darned v2.0.7 software to CREATE a database
> without it cryptically telling me that I must be insane.
> Unfortunately, the How-To's and Quick Start guide were written from the
> prospective of someone who knows the innards of LDAP, and, hence, tend
> to gloss over the key aspects.  *sigh*  What I would do for a good
> functioning sample slapd.conf file...
> Anyhow, it's compiled.. it is running.  But, either off line or on line,
> I cannot get it to create a database.
> The embarassing part is that I feel as if I have missed something along
> the lines here.. something crucial.  really, it can't be this hard?
> I've been plugging away at it, off an on, for over two weeks with no
> luck.
> I even went so far as to (1) use, unedited, the default slapd.conf file,
> and (2) create an LDIF file using the sample from the quickstart:
> openldap-2.0.7/libexec#> more /tmp/newentry
> dn: dc=my-domain, dc=com
> odjectClass: organization
> o: DIVA
> dc: my-domain
> dn: cn=Postmaster, dc=my-domain, dc=com
> objectClass: organizationalRole
> cn: Postmaster
> openldap-2.0.7/libexec#> ldapadd -f /tmp/newentry -D "cn=Manager,
> dc=my-domain, dc=com" -w secret
> adding new entry "dc=my-domain, dc=com"
> ldap_add: Undefined attribute type
>         additional info: attribute type undefined
> ldif_record() = 17
> openldap-2.0.7/libexec#>
> Anyone have any ideas?  Is there another quickstart guide out there that
> was written without the experienced LDAP user in mind?
> At this point, I don't know where to turn, so I apologize in advance if
> my questions on how to proceed sound rather basic...
> -Rich
> --
> Richard West                            mailto:richard.west@divatv.com
> Sr. Systems Administrator
> Diva - Princeton, NJ                    http://www.divatv.com