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Re: some Jpegphoto (Base64) questions for browsers

Here's a piece of the html code generated by the script:

   <td width="35%" rowspan="5">&nbsp;<img src="


Koen Bosmans

Stephane Boisson wrote:

from our LDAP database. One of the things I used was to pull the jpegphoto attrib. from LDAP and include the Base64 code of the photo in the html file (no url to a photo).

How exactly have you done this?
Are you using multipart MIME messages/responses?
Or ar you using "ldap:/.." URLs?

Does anyone have a solution for this?? Is it still included in Netscape or is this not a standard in html and do I have to improvise a new way of doing this.

There is a way that enable to work everywhere, Make a IMG tag with a SRC url pointing to another CGI/Servlet/ASP/Whatever-you-use.
It will be responsible to fetch the attribute data from the directory and send it back as binary to the browser with a Content-Type setted to image/jpeg
