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Re: Newbie question -ldbm database

It's using LDBM which is the default.


Xu Lei wrote:

> I downloaded and extract( I did not remember I install it) the Sleepycat
> Berkeley DB before I install the OpenLADP on Red Hat 7.0, The directive for
> database directory in my slapd.conf is automatically set as
> /usr/local/var/openldap-ldbm,  I did not modify it.
> My OpenLDAP is running well.
> According to the Administrator's Guide, the  operating system may provide
> database packages. If  these packages are not available at configure time,
> slapd has no primary database backend.
> I wonder whether my slapd is running without a database backend or,  Red Hat
> 7.0 has provided
> the required database. I need the solution because I plan to implemente
> another OpenLDAP server.
> Thanks!