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Re: Fastest way to delete entire DB and reload its LDIF ? <EOM>

I would recommend slight changes:

> Quoting Paul Duffy <paduffy@cisco.com>:
> 1. Shutdown slapd
> 2. Cd to your database directory

2. Cd to your database directory/..

> 3. ldbmcat -n database directory/id2entry.dbb > /tmp/full_database.ldif
> 4. rm *

mv database-directory database-directory.old
mkdir database-directory

> 5. ldif2ldbm -i /tmp/full_database.ldif
> 6. Start slapd
> Beware though, if your database isn't in full working order,
> it might 'mess up things'...

Never burn your bridges, unless you are prepared to suffer the consequences.