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need help changing schema

I'm having trouble figuring out how to update my ldap schema.  I have
OpenLDAP installed and running, but I don't know anything about the ldap
protocol (yet).  I'm trying to work through the ldap portion of the JNDI
tutorial from javasoft.  part of the prep for that tutorial involves loading
in some sample data to an ldap server, but first you're supposed to update
the schema for java objects and corba objects.  javasoft provides a couple
of java classes to do this for you, but I get
OperationNotSupportedExceptions when I run them.

javasoft also provides the java and corba schemas in a format that looks
like this:

-- Attribute types --

  NAME 'javaClassName'
  DESC 'Fully qualified name of distinguished Java class or interface'
  EQUALITY caseExactMatch

but I have no idea how I go about entering something like this into
OpenLDAP.  anyone care to show my how to do it or to at least point in the
direction of some documentation on the subject?

many thanks,


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