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Re: Test order question

On 05/28/2013 12:04 PM, Emmanuel LÃcharny wrote:
AFAICT, the order in which the tests are run is important, am I right ?


On 05/28/2013 12:04 PM, Emmanuel LÃcharny wrote:
Typically, when I try to run one single test (testAddSsdRoleMember), it
won't work if the testData test has not been run before. Am I correct ?

Fortress has two separate JUnit test suites. Both located under src/test/java folders:

1. AllSamplesJUnitTest Samples - for developers who want to get their hands dirty writing fortress APIs. These tests were created to provide coding examples that are easy to follow. These tests will be executed in order by this module:

The ant target for this is:

<!-- =================================
          target: test-samples - runs junit programming samples tests
         ================================= -->
<target name="test-samples" depends="compile-test,init-fortress-config" description="--> runs (junit) sample unit tests">
<echo message="Run the Fortress programming sample JUnit tests..."/>
<junit fork="yes" haltonfailure="${test.failonerror}" showoutput="${test.showoutput}">
<sysproperty key="tenant" value="${tenant}"/>
<sysproperty key="version" value="${version}"/>
<classpath refid="test.class.path"/>
<formatter type="plain" usefile="false"/>
<test name="${test.sample.entry}"/>

2. FortressJunitTest Regression Tests - these are very complicated and as such not intended to be used as a learning tool. Rather they provide full regression tests between fortress APIs and LDAP server. If you pass these tests you can be assured that Fortress will work on your platform. This test suite is executed in order by this module:

The ant target for this is:

<!-- =================================
          target: test-full - runs junit regression tests
         ================================= -->
<target name="test-full" depends="build-jar,compile-test,init-fortress-config" description="--> run junit FULL regression tests"> <echo message="Run the Fortress regression JUnit tests. Be patient this can take a while to complete."/> <junit fork="yes" haltonfailure="${test.failonerror}" showoutput="${test.showoutput}">
<sysproperty key="isFirstJUnitRun" value="false" />
<sysproperty key="version" value="${version}"/>
<sysproperty key="tenant" value="${tenant}"/>
<classpath refid="test.class.path"/>
<formatter type="plain" usefile="false"/>
<test name="${test.regression.entry}"/>

shawn.mckinney@jts.us is my new email address