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RE: How to give command to generate encrypted password for cfg.log.root.pw ?

Because the Fortress Quickstart's 'b' shell script wraps the package's bundled ant command you may do this:

./b.sh encrypt -Dparam1=secret

In this example 'secret' will be encrypted and printed to standard out. 

-------- Original message --------
From: suman karki <suman.karki@bizruntime.com>
Date: 04/11/2013 4:27 AM (GMT-06:00)
To: openldap-fortress@openldap.org
Subject: How to give command to generate encrypted password for cfg.log.root.pw ?

I am in fortress home directory, and i want to generate encrypted password for cfg.log.root.pw .
I tried many times according to hint below.
sorry i an not so good enough to use commands properly.
so could you tell me basic command for this situation?

i tried something like this:

# ./apache-ant/bin/ant encrypt -Dparam1=test       ( note: # means i am in root privilege )
and i got error like:
/media/storage-disk/SOFTWARE-SUMAN/fotress/fortressBuilder-Debian-Silver-x86-64-1.0-RC23/build.xml:495: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError

thanks again for previous support. and i expect your support for this problem.


# SECTION 12. Instructions to encrypt LDAP passwords used in
openldap-fortress-core config files.
If you need the passwords for LDAP service accounts to be encrypted
before loading into Fortress properties files you can
use the 'encrypt' ant target.

a. From FORTRESS_BUILDER_HOME root folder, enter the following command
from a system prompt:

 >$ANT_HOME/bin/ant encrypt -Dparam1=secret
      [echo] Encrypt a value
      [java] Encrypted value=wApnJUnuYZRBTF1zQNxX/Q==
Total time: 1 second