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Dynamic syntax support

Here's a project for someone fairly ambitious:

The goal is to be able to dynamically add support for new syntaxes to slapd simply by feeding in their specifications. Typically this would mean feeding in an ABNF description from an IETF document, though it may also mean feeding in ASN.1 documents. E.g., we want to be able to insert (using ldapmodify) the ABNF into an LDAP entry somewhere and have it automatically converted into an executable parser.

There are a couple of tools out there for working with ABNF. The IETF actually uses this one
for validating IETF drafts.
There's also this one

I don't think either of these are suitable as they exist, because they don't generate output that is embeddable and directly executable. I guess you could feed the generated C code into an embedded C interpreter, but that seems like a ridiculously wasteful solution. Most of these existing tools will analyze a grammar and spit out source code to recognize it, but we don't want the source code, we just want the recognition action.

I think a more practical route will involve embedding a Forth engine into the OpenLDAP code. There's already been a fair amount of work done with BNF in Forth, so it shouldn't be too hard to get started:

The nice thing about Forth is that the core language is tiny, it's extremely portable, it's extremely extensible, and any implementation is inherently both an interpreter and a compiler. As interpreted languages goes, it beats pretty much every other common scripting language for memory and CPU efficiency.

It ought to be straightforward to convert a grammar into a set of Forth words to recognize the grammar, for a slapd syntax validator. I'm not sure yet what we would do for Prettifiers or Normalizers, nor what to do for Matching rules. We could simply accept them as Forth source code. Personally I haven't written Forth in over 20 years but it seems to me that a TIL is the most suitable type of language for the job.

On the whole it doesn't seem like new syntaxes pop up in LDAP specs very often. Some may say this is because they're not really needed. I believe they've been sorely needed, and people have just avoided them because they required too much work to properly support in existing implementations. We can fix that.
-- Howard Chu
Chief Architect, Symas Corp. http://www.symas.com
Director, Highland Sun http://highlandsun.com/hyc/
Chief Architect, OpenLDAP http://www.openldap.org/project/