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Re: Reminder: 10 Year Anniversary next year

Gavin Henry wrote:
> <quote who="Pierangelo Masarati">
>> Gavin Henry wrote:
>>> Dear All,
>>> Just a reminder for next year for us to think of something grand to do!
>>> ;-)
>> Well, a grand thing for the 10th anniversary would have been
>> multi-master, but Howard anticipated it ;)
>> BTW: we keep advertising it as N-way, but it's actually limited to
>> 4096-way }-)
> Limits? Since when did we have limits? ;-)
> What was the actual date OpenLDAP was born Kurt?

According to CVS of COPYRIGHT file,

> 1.1 Sat Aug 8 22:43:13 1998 UTC; 9 years ago by kurt

Ing. Pierangelo Masarati
OpenLDAP Core Team

SysNet s.r.l.
via Dossi, 8 - 27100 Pavia - ITALIA
Office:  +39 02 23998309
Mobile:  +39 333 4963172
Email:   pierangelo.masarati@sys-net.it