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New test program


I have added a new program to the OpenLDAP test-suite,

The purpose of this program is many-fold:

- test for correctness of slapd/backends during concurrent operations
  (especially of the locking schema of the backends),
- (temporarily) test slapd under heavy load,
- look for performance bottle-necks (currently only used within
  back-bdb2 by its timing option),
- and so on.

The test starts independant processes for a number of read clients, search
clients, and/or add/delete clients. An initial database is build at the
beginning via ldif2ldbm which is checked at the end. Readers are defined
by a file data/do_read.0, with one read target per line. Each read target
will be handled in a seperate process, with a number of loops for every
read. The same is done with the search clients; search filters are defined
in data/do_search.0, again one per line.

For the add/delete clients, files do_addel.x must be given in the data
subdir, with the DN of the new entry in line one, and attributes following
in ldif format. This entry will be repeatedly added and deleted by the
add/delete client, with the number of loops given in the test-008...

If files with the above names are not found in the data subdir, the
respective test clients will not be run. At the moment, 5 read clients and
search clients each are specified, together with one add/delete client.
Add/deletes will run 50 times, read/search 200 times each. With that,
total test time is about 10 minutes on a 330 MHz linux box, with no other
heavy-load processes running. You can increase test time considerably just
by adding one or two more add/delete clients!

Please use the test and report numbers, observations, bugs to the known



X.500:                                              Tel.:
   Kurt Spanier, Zentrum fuer Datenverarbeitung,      +49 7071 29-70334
   Universitaet Tuebingen, DE
SMTP-Mail:                                          FAX.:
   kurt.spanier@zdv.uni-tuebingen.de                   +49 7071 29-5912
   Dr. Kurt Spanier, Zentrum fuer Datenverarbeitung,
   Universitaet Tuebingen, Waechterstrasse 76, D-72074 Tuebingen
   finger "Kurt Spanier"@x500.uni-tuebingen.de
