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Re: (ITS#7253) Error returned when sss control used with a non ordered attribute, even if the control is not critical

On Apr 20, 2012, at 9:17 AM, michael@stroeder.com wrote:

> This is a cryptographically signed message in MIME format.
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> Kurt@OpenLDAP.org wrote:
>> Client's really should, in general, just do their own sorting over the
>> result set, especially for sorting entries for presentation purposes.
> People are always asking for paged displaying of address book data sorted=
> by
> name. If you have large result sets that's a problem at the client's side=
> =2E

Most of the server side paging is done stateless, which means that if a client relies on it, it's going to have data consistency problems (in the face of possible data or other changes).

If you do it stateful on the server side to ensure data consistency, you kill your server.

Most clients can easily deal with large data sets, even mobile devices.  In many bandwidth constrained environments, roundtrips are even more problematic than the bandwidth issues.  So dealing with presentation issues is often best for everyone.

But the issue of this thread is sorting... (which often is used with paging).

Code point sorting, as you get on the server side (at least with standard ordering rules), ain't what most clients actually want.  And even if you have a desirable to the client ordering rule, the handling of multiple valued attributes called for in RFC 2891 is likely not what the client wants.   So you end up needing the dup-entry control as well, and that adds more bandwidth and, if paging, more roundtrips.

My guidance is to have client deal with presentation issues, which is what most sorting boils down to.

> But my feeling here is also ambivalent. I always tell people to narrow th=
> e
> search because wading through large result sets by clicking through pages=
> is
> not very efficient for the user himself anyway. Same problem with users
> constantly asking for tree browsing. A horrible inefficient UI tool in la=
> rger
> deployments...
>> The only case where I see this control being useful is, in conjunction =
> with
>> the paged results control, for asking for the entry with the lowest/hig=
> hest
>> single-valued serial number (or like) attributes.
> For suggesting the next free unique number in an input form?

Or for just assigning the next free serial number in decreasing/increasing order.  (I rather avoid them, but some times you cannot avoid them (due to not owning the requirements).

> Ciao, Michael.
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