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Re: (ITS#7226) olcAuditlogFile At dos not accept multiple values

 On Thu, 5 Apr 2012 13:12:31 GMT, michael@stroeder.com wrote:
>hyc@symas.com wrote:
>>michael@stroeder.com wrote:
>>> 2. add an equality matching rule.
>> My approach with config attrs has been to skip the equality rule for
>> single-valued attrs. Since they are single-valued, there's obviously 
>> no need
>> to allow for comparing multiple values.

 Users always find more ways to use a feature than its creator imagined.

 I wish people would give attributes all matching rules they can.
 Equality, ordering, substring.  Except when:
 - flexibility would be a misfeature, e.g. SUBSTR for userPassword,
 - or it's unclear which rules to choose, e.g. caseIgnore vs caseExact.

> They are not searchable either then. Does it add too much overhead to 
> add an
> equality matching rule?
> Personally I currently can't imagine a use-case for searching an 
> entry using
> attribute olcAuditlogFile but one never knows...

 "Which database gets logged to file /whatever"?

 Also, as you mention, an EQUALITY rule allows sanity checking, like
 an atomic "verify old value and then change to new value" operation.
