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Re: (ITS#5963) Explictly deleting all object classes and re-add some fails in modify request

michael@stroeder.com wrote:

> I think I found an example with standard object classes. The problem
> seems to be the order of the inherited STRUCTURAL object classes. (Tests
> done with HEAD.)
> Import this entry and try to remove 'labeledURIObject' from it:
> dn: ou=oc-mod-test,ou=Testing,dc=stroeder,dc=de
> objectClass: OpenLDAPou
> objectClass: organizationalUnit
> objectClass: labeledURIObject
> ou: oc-mod-test
> If you reverse the order of the STRUCTURAL object classes or remove
> 'organizationalUnit' and let slapd re-add it works.
> objectClass: organizationalUnit
> objectClass: OpenLDAPou

The error is in the delete phase.  I performed

dn: ou=oc-mod-test,ou=Testing,dc=stroeder,dc=de
changetype: modify
delete: objectClass
objectClass: OpenLDAPou
objectClass: organizationalUnit
objectClass: labeledURIObject
add: objectClass
objectClass: OpenLDAPou
objectClass: organizationalUnit

What happens is that at the end of the delete phase, organizationalUnit 
is still there.  Apparently, the fix to ITS#5517 was not complete. 
Thanks for spotting it.


Ing. Pierangelo Masarati
OpenLDAP Core Team

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