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R: Re: (ITS#5744) Automatically close issues when no feedback is received within a reasonable time

----- Hallvard B Furuseth <h.b.furuseth@usit.uio.no> ha scritto:
> ando@sys-net.it writes:
> > My point is about tickets opened with only partial information, answered 
> > with a request for clarification that never comes in: 5712, 5652, 5651, ...
> Hm, you've marked ITS#5651 Feedback even though it contains no feedback
> request.  If you sent one privately, I suggest you re-send via ITS.

No, the request was with ITS#5652: same poster, almost same problem, same feedback...


Ing. Pierangelo Masarati
OpenLDAP Core Team

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