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Re: (ITS#5252) Several SQL Bugs in back-sql

h.goebel@goebel-consult.de wrote:
> Full_Name: 
> Version: 2.3.38
> OS: 
> URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/
> Submission from: (NULL) (
> Debugging marks in sql-statement may lead to wrong results.
> The interface I implemented yields statements like this when using Thunderbird
> for searching for 'Klaus'. Thunderbird tries to look up in email, name and given
> name.
> Ans in my setup, search is restricted to "(objectclass=evolutionPerson)".
>   ldap_entries.id,res_partner_address.id,
>   text('evolutionPerson') AS objectClass,ldap_entries.dn AS dn FROM
>   ldap_entries,res_partner_address,ldap_entry_objclasses
>    res_partner_address.id=ldap_entries.keyval
>    AND ldap_entries.oc_map_id=1
>    AND 9=9
>    AND ((2=2 OR (         ldap_entries.id=ldap_entry_objclasses.entry_id 
>                  AND ldap_entry_objclasses.oc_name='evolutionPerson'))
>    AND ((    upper(email) LIKE '%KLAUS%') 
>          OR (upper(name) LIKE '%KLAUS%')
>          OR 7=7
>          OR (upper(substring(name from '\\S+..$')) LIKE '%KLAUS%')))
> 1) "OR 7=7 OR" renders the whole last AND-clause useless: No selection is done
>    on email, name or givenname. Thus all records are returned.
> 2) "2=2 OR" renders the restriction to a specific objectclass useless.
>    In Bug 5198 Pierangelo Masarati say, that a good RDBMs is optimizing this
>    part away. And exactly this is the problem.

This is required to implement attribute and objectClass inheritance,
which is required by LDAP.  So please don't call them "bugs", they're
required hacks.  If they're not in place, back-sql would give the wrong
response to queries; if they're in place, back-sql would give the right
response, possibly inefficiently on braindead RDBMSes.  Please choose
what you prefer: the wrong answer quickly or the right one maybe slower?


Ing. Pierangelo Masarati
OpenLDAP Core Team

SysNet s.r.l.
via Dossi, 8 - 27100 Pavia - ITALIA
Office:  +39 02 23998309
Mobile:  +39 333 4963172
Email:   pierangelo.masarati@sys-net.it