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Re: (ITS#5134) dbconfig vs. DB_CONFIG

ghenry@suretecsystems.com wrote:
>> The slapd-bdb(5) man page seems to me unclear with respect to the dbconfig
>> directive.  In fact, what I gather from the text is that if no DB_CONFIG
>> file
>> exists, any dbconfig directive will be used to generate one; otherwise, an
>> existing DB_CONFIG file will not be altered.  What is unclear is what
>> happens if
>> both a DB_CONFIG file and any dbconfig directives exist, and they differ?
>> Who
>> takes the precedence?  What if any dbconfig directive is not present in
>> the
>> DB_CONFIG file?
> I would say since dbconfig directives only work on a restart of slapd, and
> that if a DB_CONFIG is present, the DB_CONFIG should *always* take
> precedence. If dbconfig changes could make a difference via back-config,
> which they can't without a restart, then dbconfig stuff should override
> any DB_CONFIG.


I think the point is not what the code should (or should not) do, or
whether its current behavior is correct or not; it's rather that the man
page, as far as I understand it, is not clear about what the code
currently does.


Ing. Pierangelo Masarati
OpenLDAP Core Team

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Email:   pierangelo.masarati@sys-net.it