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(ITS#4324) PANIC: fatal region error detected;

Full_Name: LALOT Dominique
Version: 2.3.17
OS: Linux 2.6
URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/
Submission from: (NULL) (

To keep DB_CONFIG out of order, I just remove it in slapd init script.
init script:
        cd /var/ldap/base
        /var/ldap/bin/purgedbarchive.pl .
        /bin/rm DB_CONFIG # reconstruction via les params de slapd.conf
        chown ldap.ldap *
        if grep -q ^TLS /etc/openldap/slapd.conf ; then
            nice -n -5 ${slapd} -u ldap -g ldap -h 'ldap:/// ldaps:///'
slapd runs OK. 
Then slapcat >test
bdb_db_open: DB_CONFIG for suffix dc=univmed,dc=fr has changed.
Performing database recovery to activate new settings.

and then:
search: 2
result: 80 Internal (implementation specific) error
text: internal error

bdb is 4.3.15
seems the rm of DB_CONFIG is doing bad things. If I avoid it, it's OK I can do a
slapcat without distburbing slapd
As it's written in the docs that those flags would create a DB_CONFIG (it works
indeed), what happened after in slapcat should not happen?.
(by the way DB_LOG_AUTOREMOVE is not working also (bdb problem?))

in slapd.conf:
dbconfig set_cachesize 0 140000000 1
dbconfig set_flags DB_LOG_AUTOREMOVE
dbconfig set_tas_spins 1
dbconfig set_lg_regionmax 262144
idlcachesize 150000
checkpoint 1024 5 # flush tous les 1Mo ou 5 minutes

Thanks for your reading
