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Re: (ITS#3914) test030-relay frees already-freed memory

h.b.furuseth@usit.uio.no wrote:

>ando@sys-net.it writes:
>>It looks like the problem is in slapo-rwm, but it might be worth
>>knowing if it occurs when using back-relay or back-ldap.
>The test stops after
>   Comparing to database "o=Esempio,c=IT"...
>when slapd is frozen at the error.
>That corresponds to this database in slapd.conf:
>  database           relay
>  suffix             "o=Esempio,c=IT"
>  overlay            rwm
>  rwm-suffixmassage  "dc=example,dc=com"
>Here is the full test output and the testrun/ directory:
I think I've spotted the problem; the fix is in HEAD.  However, I don't 
understand why valgrind is not detecting it.


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