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Re: (ITS#3819) Strange slapd.conf diagnostic after authz-regexp

hyc@symas.com wrote:

>Hallvard B Furuseth wrote:
>>Aha.  That solved a small mystery for me, once I looked at it
>>in cn=config:
>>The root DSE no longer uses ACLs from the first database.
>>it Only uses the global ACLs and the 'database frontend' ACLs,
>>because the supposedly global ACLs end up in frontendDB.
>Yes. This was discussed recently
>but I don't think any course of action was decided.
Note that HEAD differs from any released code since #ifdef LDAP_DEVEL
the ACLs of frontendDB are used instead of those of the first backend.

>>Also, rootdn/rootpw was also applied from the first database, but
>>those are now taken from frontendDB and I can't get rootdn/rootpw
>>from frontendDB to work.
>Well, rootpw makes no sense for the frontendDB. The question about 
>rootdn is still open.

I do not quite understand this comment.  In principle (never thought 
about it so I'm just trying to form a consistent thought) we could have 
a "global rootdn", which would be the frontend's rootdn, whose authority 
spans the entire system, unless a "rootdn" is defined for a database; in 
the latter case, that "local rootdn" would prevail.  If we implement 
something like this, a "rootpw" for the frontendDB would make as much 
sense as it does for each database (with the same pros and cons, I mean).


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