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(ITS#3386) Deal with null and binary attributes for a sql backend

Full_Name: Theodore Villette
Version: 2.2.17
OS: Linux LFS, kernel 2.4.26
URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/
Submission from: (NULL) (

Using openldap with a sql backend.

Some modifications have to be made to deal with null and binary attributes.
Here is what i have done. It seems to work but may be improved because i am not
familiar with c and SQLBind functions. Besides i must have forgotten some

For release 2.2.17
 line 40 to avoid segmentation fault on null attributes:

#define	backsql_attr_skip(ad,vals) \
	( \
			vals == NULL \
			|| ( (ad) == slap_schema.si_ad_objectClass \
				&& (vals)[ 1 ].bv_val == NULL ) \
			|| is_at_operational( (ad)->ad_type ) \
			|| ( (vals)[ 0 ].bv_val == NULL ) \

line 92 to avoid segmentation fault on null attributes:

		if ( c_mod->sm_values != NULL && backsql_attr_skip( ad, c_mod->sm_values ) )

line 350, to make a binary bind instead of a char bind:

				SQLBindParameter( sth, pno + 2 - po,
					at_val->bv_len, 0, at_val->bv_val, 
					at_val->bv_len, &(at_val->bv_len) );

function backsql_get_attr_vals
line 370, to get the correct length of the attribute's value:
 bv.bv_len = row.value_len[i]; /*instead of bv.bv_len = strlen( row.cols[ i ]

function BindRowAsStrings (may be renamed?)
line 192, to make a binary bind instead of using char bind:

				col_prec = MAX_ATTR_LEN;
				row->cols[ i - 1 ] = (char *)ch_calloc( col_prec + 1, sizeof( char ) );
				row->col_prec[ i - 1 ] = col_prec;
				rc = SQLBindCol( sth, (SQLUSMALLINT)i,
						(SQLPOINTER)row->cols[ i - 1 ],
						col_prec + 1,
						&row->value_len[ i - 1 ] );
			} else {
				row->cols[ i - 1 ] = (char *)ch_calloc( col_prec + 1, sizeof( char ) );
				row->col_prec[ i - 1 ] = col_prec;
				rc = SQLBindCol( sth, (SQLUSMALLINT)i,
						(SQLPOINTER)row->cols[ i - 1 ],
						col_prec + 1,
						&row->value_len[ i - 1 ] );

Here it is for me,