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Re: slapadd won't add below-root-entry (ITS#3186)

> Well, while cleaning up some loose ends for ITS#3063, this bug has been 
> fixed as well. The entry with empty DN is now silently ignored, fix is 
> in CVS HEAD, current revisions of back-bdb/cache.c, search.c, and tools.c.

Hmm, I actually found another empty-DN-related bug (I believe) which
causes the server to segfault. Using the ldif in ITS#3186 I run a
ldapsearch -x -h localhost -b '' -s one 'objectClass=*' which gets
me this (with max debugging):

conn=0 op=1 SRCH base="" scope=1 deref=0 filter="(objectClass=*)"
==> limits_get: conn=0 op=1 dn="[anonymous]"
<== limits_get: type=DN match=ANONYMOUS
=> bdb_search
search_candidates: base="(null)" (0x00000001) scope=1
=> bdb_dn2idl( "(null)" )
Segmentation fault

Is this also fixed or should I run gdb and report it?

	MVH leifj