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Re: add,modify rules not consistent (ITS#3138)

--On Monday, May 10, 2004 4:51 PM -0700 "Kurt D. Zeilenga" 
<Kurt@OpenLDAP.org> wrote:

> The replog should be accurate reflection of the LDAP operation.
> That is, if it said
>> replace: sn
>> sn:: bWFqb3iq
>> sn:: IG1ham9y
> then that was likely what the client requested.  Please double
> check that the replog (at the master) actually used "::",
> not ":".

The replog had specifically (I cut and paste this into the bug I filed 
locally against our java program):

dn: suRegID=86c9593cf61311d2ae660800209269ec,cn=People,dc=Stanford,dc=edu
changetype: modify
replace: cn
cn:: bWFqb3Ig
cn:: IG1ham9y

> Did the client specify any controls?

As in?


Quanah Gibson-Mount
Principal Software Developer
ITSS/TSS/Computing Systems
ITSS/TSS/Infrastructure Operations
Stanford University
GnuPG Public Key: http://www.stanford.edu/~quanah/pgp.html