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Re: invalid structural object class chain (ITS#1950)

Hi Kurt,
I am surprised that there appears to be no mention of such differences
in the Admin Guide and I must admit I cant see anything wrong with it!!
These entries were generated by Luke's migration tools and samba so I will
need to modify those accordingly!

Does the same apply to to TLS/SSL which now seems to reject self signed
certificates (according to debug on ldapsearch -Z) 

TLS certificate verification: depth: 0, err: 18, subject: /C=UK/ST=West Midlands/L=Birmingham/O=University of Birmingham/O=School of Physics and Astronomy/OU=Some Physics Group/CN=npsmx.ph.bham.ac.uk/CN=npsmx, issuer: /C=UK/ST=West Midlands/L=Birmingham/O=University of Birmingham/O=School of Physics and Astronomy/OU=Some Physics Group/CN=npsmx.ph.bham.ac.uk/CN=npsmx
TLS certificate verification: Error, self signed certificate

and I seem to now have problems with GSSAPI -krb5 using Heimdal 
which core dumps looking for roots cache file if it doesnt exist:

13245:  open("/tmp/krb5cc_0", O_RDONLY)         Err#2 ENOENT
13245:      Incurred fault #6, FLTBOUNDS  %pc = 0x000007D8
13245:        siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0x000007D8
13245:      Received signal #11, SIGSEGV [caught]
13245:        siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0x000007D8
13245:  sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, 0xEF1B7E70, 0x00000000) = 0
13245:  sigaction(SIGSEGV, 0xED001098, 0x00000000)      = 0
13245:  sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, 0xEF1C0B70, 0x00000000) = 0
13245:  setcontext(0xED001258)
13245:      Incurred fault #6, FLTBOUNDS  %pc = 0x000007D8
13245:        siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0x000007D8
13245:      Received signal #11, SIGSEGV [default]
13245:        siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0x000007D8
13245:         *** process killed ***

I will hunt through the web site and FAQ etc for things that worked in 
2.0.x but may not in 2.1. and any other major changes.


p.s all of the above worked in 2.0.18 but failures now may be due to me
not appreciating differences!