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Re: DOC: Quick-start guide addition (ITS#322)

The default is "-h localhost".  A client ran on the same
host as the server should be able to connect without specifying
(via -h or ldap.conf) an alternative hostname.  I would
suspect that your system is actually no configured properly.
I also not that there is no good way to describe how to
specify an alternative hostname.  That is, -h `uname -n`
may not work and well, hostname is not exactly portable nor
may be hosed as well.

At 09:15 PM 10/8/99 GMT, wweber@setech.com wrote:
>In following the OpenLDAP Quick-start guide (as any good newbie...), I was
>stumped because I followed the EXACT steps and commands, and they did not work
>when ldapadd was being used to add the initial entries to the directory, as
>called for in step 10.

The "quick-start", by it's very nature, cannot cover every possibility.
The user may run into problems an any step.  This is why the guide
provides links to other materials, such as the ldap(1) manual, to
help the user get going.

>Analysis :: 
> - failure was in ldap_bind(), no further message

Did you let it complete? (which could take a few minutes in
such cases).  It normally should complain about server being
down if it cannot connect through localhost.

> - clients had no default host set in the ldap.conf file

The quick start guide assumes the user is working on a single
host.  Hence, the localhost default.

> - examples all OMITTED the use of the -h HOSTNAME parameter

Not necessary if system is configured properly.  If the system
is not configured properly than neither `hostname` nor localhost
may work.  It is outside the scope of the quick start guide
to resolve such issues.

ldap.conf is purposely not meantioned in the guide as it
is a common source of getting started problems.  It's best
not meantioned until after the user has slapd and clients


Kurt D. Zeilenga		<kurt@boolean.net>
Net Boolean Incorporated	<http://www.boolean.net/>