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ldif2ldbm, id2entry: Bad file number


I've just installed OpenLDAP V1.2.1 On Solaris V5.6
I'm using gdbm-1.7.3.

when I start ldif2ldbm, the following error is produced:

id2entry file: Bad file number

In debug, the message is the folowing :

reading config file /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.conf
line 2 (database        ldbm)
line 3 (suffix          "o=univ-nancy2.fr")
line 5 (rootdn          "cn=admin, o=univ-nancy2.fr")
line 6 (rootpw          secret)
reading config file /usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.conf
line 2 (database        ldbm)
line 3 (suffix          "o=univ-nancy2.fr")
line 5 (rootdn          "cn=admin, o=univ-nancy2.fr")
line 6 (rootpw          secret)
=> ldbm_cache_open( "/usr/tmp/id2entry.dbb", 524293, 600 )
<= ldbm_cache_open NULL "/usr/tmp/id2entry.dbb" errno 9 reason "Bad file number")
id2entry file: Bad file number
stopping: child exited with status 1

The file slapd.conf is very simple (as in the admin guide, for a test) :
database        ldbm
suffix          "o=univ-nancy2.fr"
#directory      /usr/local/etudiant/openLDAP
rootdn          "cn=admin, o=univ-nancy2.fr"
rootpw          secret

I compiled with the environnement :
LIBS="-lpthread -lposix4";export LIBS, and ./configure without parameters.

Thank's for answers

Vincent MATHIEU			
CRI - Universite NANCY 2             | Email : Vincent.Mathieu@univ-nancy2.fr
Pole Lorrain de Gestion              | Tel   : (33)
13, Rue Michel Ney - C.O. 75         | Fax   : (33)