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Re: Seg Faults with ldapdelete (ITS#53)

I've been trying to duplicate this but with no success.

Using this test.ldif:
dn: o=Your Organization Name, c=US
objectclass: organization
o: Your Organization Name

dn: cn=rootUser, o=Your Organization Name, c=US
objectclass: person
cn: rootUser
sn: rootUser
userpassword: abc

dn: cn=normalUser, o=Your Organization Name, c=US
objectclass: person
cn: normalUser
sn: normalUser
userpassword: 123

dn: uid=666, o=Your Organization Name, c=US
objectclass: person
uid: 666
cn: 666
sn: 666
userpassword: 666

dn: uid=999999999, o=Your Organization Name, c=US
objectclass: person
uid: 999999999
cn: 999
sn: 999
userpassword: 999

dn: cn=roots, o=Your Organization Name, c=US
objectclass: groupOfNames
cn: roots
member: cn=rootUser,o=Your Organization Name,c=US

With slapd.conf:
# master slapd config -- for testing
include     ./slapd.at.conf
include     ./slapd.oc.conf
schemacheck off

# ldbm database definitions

database    ldbm
cachesize   4
suffix      "o=Your Organization Name, c=US"
directory   ./test-db
rootdn      "cn=Manager, o=Your Organization Name, c=US"
rootpw      secret
index       cn,sn,uid   pres,eq,approx
index       default     none
lastmod     on

access to   *
    by  group="cn=roots, o=Your Organization Name, c=US" write
    by  * read

I then run slapd with -d 1 -d 4 -d 128 and get the following
search & delete results:

ldapsearch -p 9009 -D "cn=Manager, o=Your Organization Name, c=US" -w secret -b 'o=your organization name,c=us' uid=\* dn   
uid=666, o=Your Organization Name, c=US

uid=999999999, o=Your Organization Name, c=US

ldapdelete -p 9009 -D "cn=rootUser, o=Your Organization Name, c=US" -w abc "uid=999999999"
ldap_delete: No such object 	(as expected)

ldapdelete -p 9009 -D "cn=rootUser, o=Your Organization Name, c=US" -w abc "uid=999999999,o=your organization name,c=us
(no error)

ldapsearch -p 9009 -D "cn=Manager, o=Your Organization Name, c=US" -w secret -b 'o=your organization name,c=us' uid=\* dn
uid=666, o=Your Organization Name, c=US

If this is thread related, I may not be able to see it on my
test platform (FreeBSD 3 with non-preemptive pthreads, DB 2.3.16).

Can anybody duplicate while running --without-threads?
Can anybody provide a simple test scenario?
